Title: The Tunnel's End Artist: candygramme Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Dean/Gabriel (implied) Rating: PG Warning: Mild swearing. Note: Written for spn_bigpretzel's Halloween Reverse Micro Bang. candygramme made a wonderful piece of art which gave me the inspiration for this story. Big thanks to them for all the additional art they've made - it's amazing :D Summary: Dean was not
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Title: Wolf Fandom: Sherlock (BBC) Characters: John Watson, Mrs Hudson, Sherlock Holmes Rating: PG Note: Asked for a prompt to write a fic. seraphina_snape gave me the word 'wolf'. Thank you for the word :) Summary: The observations were easy; speaking them out loud would likely provoke the aggravated animal.
Title: Right Under Your Nose Fandoms: Doctor Who, Red Dwarf Characters: Arnold Rimmer, Dave Lister, The Doctor (9) Rating: G Word Count: 575 Summary: "He's an alien, Rimmer!"
Title: Carved In Stone Fandoms: Doctor Who, Supernatural Characters: Michael, Martha Jones, The Doctor (10) Rating: PG Word Count: 1,462 Summary: Funnily enough, though, it was a being dubbed an angel that scared Michael.
Title: Homing Pigeon Fandom: Supernatural Character: Michael Rating: PG Spoilers: 05x19 (Hammer of the Gods) Notes: Fourth story in a series. Previous stories do not need to be read for this to be understood. Previous: On Display for None to See | Uncle, or Any Variation Thereof | My Check to Your Mate Summary: Arrogantly, Michael had assumed he
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Title: Four Letters Fandom: Doctor Who Pairing: Eleven/River Rating: PG Note: Written for the prompt learning to say love over at spoiler_song Summary: He's laughing at her.
Title: Stolen Property Fandom: Doctor Who Character: Idris Rating: G Spoilers: 06x04 (The Doctor's Wife) Summary: Borrowing implies that the item will be returned.
Title: Ten to Impossible Fandom: Doctor Who Pairing: Eleven/River (implied) Rating: PG Spoilers: 05x05 (Flesh and Stone) Summary: The word impossible was, quite possibly, the most useless one in his vocabulary.